Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Psalm 119 - Loving God's Word

Psalm 119 has been a deeply meaningful psalm to me my whole adult life.  I also love its sister psalms, Psalm 1 and Psalm 19.  All three of these psalms spur my passion for God's Word. 

This past week I've been reading 119.  First I read it in its entirety, yes, all 176 verses at one sitting.  Then I read sections.  This morning I read it in its entirety again.  It just seems so rich and full.  Every time I read it something stirs in my soul for God's Word.  I want to love and treasure God's Word more!

I've decided this morning to just camp out in Psalm 119 for a while.  I want to savor every verse.  I'm looking for good resources (i.e. commentaries, sermons, etc.) that will take me deeper into the fullness of this Psalm.  So if you know some, please share them with me.