Thursday, August 13, 2009

Calling: What Do You Mean?

I have the privilege of working with church planters from many different faith traditions. I've discovered that the concept of "calling" is understood differently depending on your tradition or theological orientation.

Our brothers and sisters that come from a "Holiness" background tend to view calling as a very mystical experience. Those that come from a more "Biblicist or Fundamental" background tend to view calling as a more rational process primarily based on one's talents or spiritual gifts. Those from a more "Reformed" or "Covenantal" tradition tend to think of calling as something that comes from the church or the "covenant" community. Who's right?

I've wrestled with this concept for years and have systematically studied it from Scripture. (See last post for a summary.) I've come to believe that there is truth in each perspective. There is something that has to happen between you and God (mystical). There is something very rational about it that comes from ones journey/experiences and gifting. And I also believe that the Body of Christ plays an important role in clarifying and confirming one's calling.

So, what do we mean by calling? From Scriptural study, from great theological thinkers, and from faith tradition I have come to define calling in this way. Calling is a summons from God, a strong inner pull toward a particular course of action and/or place of service.

I close with a quote from Os Guiness: The problem with Western society is that we have too much to live with, and too little to live for. Discover your calling and live it out with passion!

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