Monday, December 13, 2010

The Gospel is Neither Religion Nor Irreligion

I'm enjoying The Gospel in Life by Tim Keller. Here's what I'm learning today.

The Gospel is neither religion nor irreligion. It is something else altogether. Religion makes law and moral obedience a means of salvation, while irreligion makes the individual a law to him- or herself. The gospel, however, is that Jesus takes the law of God so seriously that he paid the penalty of disobedience, so we can be saved by sheer grace.

Because of this I can appreciate God's law much more! Since Jesus has paid the penalty for me being a law-breaker, I am freed from the moral law as a system of salvation. I'm secure in my relationship with God because Jesus has paid the penalty and given me his righteousness.

I also appreciate the law because it reveals to me the nature and heart of God. It shows me what is important to God, the things he loves and hates, the things that are good and evil.

The Gospel is not religion - I don't have to do anything to earn anything. And it is not irreligion. I love God, therefore I love and respect his law!

This makes Psalm 119 even more meaningful to me. "Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law." (Ps 119:18)

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