Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A New Generation Shapes America

As I watch the election returns and listen to the analysis it seems clear: The deciding factor in the presidential election was the new, younger voters!

The emerging younger generation has "emerged" as a strong and powerful political voice in America. The new, younger voters engaged like we have not seen in some time (maybe even since the 60's). They want to have impact and they want to shape our nation. In this election they proved that they can influence an election.

This behooves us as Christian leaders to pay very close attention to this segment of our society. Most churches in America are not reaching or discipling the 20' somethings. The reality is that the 20' somethings are the most unreached segment of our society.

New churches and established churches are going to have to think differently and operate differently if they want to have any hope of reaching this new generation of policy shapers! My aim has been and continues to be to help congregations think deeply about how to engage and impact this generation. Let me encourage us all to give careful thought to this call!


Anonymous said...

Glen I think you are exactly right on the mark with your blog. The emerging generation of 20 somethings is a powerful witness to the future shape of our culture and our country, and the church. As I continue to develop new meaningful relationships in the community, I am struck by the passion and openness of this emerging generation. They want something real and authentic, that operates with integrity. They don't want a lot of programs they want to put their hands on something, and get plugged in. As we continue to engage in spiritual conversations with this great group of seekers, I am quickly reminded that it is not about the numbers, it's about relationships.

Glenn Smith said...

Great observations Ivan! I'm excited about what you are doing.