Sunday, November 08, 2009

Know Your Local Calling

Every missional church is keenly attuned to their local situation. I believe that a missional church is engaged both locally and globally as agents of the Kingdom of God. Think about your local setting and ask yourself these questions:
  • What are the unique needs around you? In your neighborhood? In your city?
  • How do you see these needs revealed socially, economically, environmentally, relationally, politically, and religiously?
  • Where do you see the Kingdom of God most relfected? Least reflected?
  • What special opportunities or events are found immediately around you?
  • What prominent issues stand out in the eyes of the public and/or media?
  • What needs and opportunities do the industries specific to your area create?
  • What are the most significant changes in your community over the last decade, and what needs does this create?
  • What is the creation story of our particular community, and what insights can this give us?
  • Does the history of our community reveal any spiritual strongholds?
  • How would you describe "lostness" in your community?
  • What one positive change in your community would have the most dramatic effect in people's lives and/or the community as a whole?

1 Chronicles 12:32 tells us that the men of Issachar "understood the times and knew what Israel should do." Do you deeply understand your community at this time, and do you know what God is calling you to do?

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