Friday, March 19, 2010

First and Never

Ministry (and life) today is full of "firsts" and "nevers." Seth Godin captured this well in his blog post today. As ministry leaders we need to keep this in mind not only for ourselves, but for the people whom we lead. Seth says:

...We keep discovering firsts, the biggest viral video ever, the most twitter followers ever, the fastest bestseller ever... And we constantly discover nevers as well. There's never going to be a mass market TV show that rivals the ones that came before. There's never going to be a worldwide brand built by advertising ever again either. And Michael Jackson's record deal is the last one of its kind...

Read Seth's blog post and think about how this applies to church and ministry life. What are the "firsts" and "nevers" that you have experienced? What are the "firsts" and "nevers" the people in your congregation are experiencing? These are powerful thoughts!

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