Saturday, August 22, 2009

Discerning Your Calling

As I coach pastors and prospective church planters I ask a lot of questions about calling. As I've mentioned before there are many different views about this issue. However, I think there are 5 components to discerning and clarifying your calling.
  1. It requires an increasing intimacy with the one calling us. Without an increasing intimacy we will not be able to discern the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and minds. We will know our calling only to the degree that we know the Caller!
  2. It requires an increasing level of self-awareness. It's important to have a good understanding of your strengths and your weaknesses. It will not be your weaknesses that create the most confusion or problem for you, it will be your blindspots. Know yourself.
  3. It is confirmed in at least 3 ways. First, it is confirmed by an inescapable passion. What do you always come back to? Second, it is confirmed by the community of believers. What are those who know you well telling you? Third, it is confirmed by the fruit of your efforts. Are you an evangelist? Are you a gatherer of people?
  4. The calling to church planting requires certain aptitudes. That's why we always encourage prospective planters to complete a thorough church planter assessment to see how they measure up to the qualities of successful planters.
  5. The calling usually flows out of a journey. Can you identify the "markers" in your life that have brought you to the place of planting a new church?

Before you launch out in a church planting venture, make sure of your calling. For an additional training and resources, join us for "The Essentials for Starting a Missional Church." Also, get a coach!

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